Nov 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board held its regular meeting on November 20, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Administration Office located at 205 E. Hawthorne Street in Covington, Virginia.

PRESENT: Robert McCallister, Teresa Johnson, Anne Dean, Connie Back, Carla Dobbs, and Lisa Hicks.

ABSENT: Nolan Nicely, Jr., Robert Johnson, Jr. and Charli Laws.

Also present: Ingrid W. Barber, Executive Director; Angie Goodbar, Director of Intellectual Disabilities Services; Cara Major, HR Manager; QuoVadis Washington-Brown, Director of Outpatient and Support Services; Nancy Curry, QI Manager; and Adam Kenny, IT Manager.

Teresa Johnson, Chairwoman, called the meeting to order.

MOTION: That the Board approve the minutes of the September 18, 2014 regular meeting.
VOTE: Unanimous

Communication: On October 4, 2014, Anne Dean made a donation to AHCSB in the amount of $500.00 with the request that it be credited to the Client Assistance Fund. A Thank You card was sent to Anne on October 16, 2014.

A Thank You was received from Amanda Webb, the recipient of the 2014 Care Spirit Award.


Mental Health & Substance Abuse
QuoVadis Washington-Brown provided the following report:
• Quovadis attended the VACSB conference October 1-2, 2014, at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center.
• DBHDS Audit was October 7-9, 2014. Auditors provided feedback regarding policies and procedures to include access to services for priority populations: intravenous drug users, opiate drug users, pregnant women and women with dependent children. Auditors remarked that the services had improved and that documentation of service delivery had also improved. Feedback was to continue to improve treatment planning and women’s services.
• In October 2014, Quovadis provided four presentations to a total of 71 DSLCC students regarding the effects of underage drinking and alcohol use. Presentations were held at both the Clifton Forge and Rockbridge campuses. Domestic violence and safe dating practices were also discussed.
• Information regarding services, access to services, and crisis intervention was presented to the Alleghany Support Group on October 21, 2014 and November 18, 2014.
• On October 30-31, 2014, Quovadis, along with the Child Services Supervisor and Child Case Manager attended Day 4 and 5 of the High Fidelity Wrap Around Training. This training will allow the CSB to provide facilitation for families between service providers in order to coordinate services and plans to include treatment that will assist the family in being successful. This model will also assist the family and child in receiving least restrictive services in a way that is individualized for their families need.
• A survey was completed regarding the OSIG report on CSBs and Local/Regional Jail Partnerships. The survey included reviewing how CSBs are developing business associate agreements to facilitate effective communication regarding mental health treatment, developing transitional processes from jail to community, pre-admission screening roles and responsibilities, and assisting individuals to gain access to health care that may be available either via health care exchanges or applying for entitlements such as Medicaid and Medicare. The survey was submitted on November 12, 2014.
• A survey was completed regarding Evidence Based Practices to include Supportive Employment, Supportive Housing, Multisystem Family Therapy, and Therapeutic Foster Care. This survey provided feedback to DBHDS regarding where AHCS is providing services such as Supportive Employment and Supportive Housing (Shelter Plus Care) and what evidenced based services continue to present a gap in our services and community.
• In November 2014, Magellan contacted AHCS as a “secret shopper”. The receptionist at the AHCS front office responded well to the questions and concerns of the caller. She assisted in giving information regarding how to seek admission and at the end of the call, the caller identified themselves as a Magellan representative. The caller was pleased with the professional and helpful manner in which she was given information and stated that the results of this call would be reported to the AHCS Magellan liaison.
• On November 14, 2014, Quovadis presented information to the MeadWestvaco Women’s Group regarding Seasonal Depression and How To Access Behavioral Health Services in Alleghany County.

Intellectual Disabilities
Angie Goodbar provided the following report:
• The ID program continues to stay abreast of changes with the “My Life, My Community” project and waiver redesign. DBHDS has hired Regional Support Services Staff to monitor the administration of the Supports Intensity Scale. This assessment tool is now administered by an external contractor (AAID) to eliminate conflicts of interests with the ID Case Manager. The Regional Support Services Staff will be reviewing the CSB waitlist and assisting with the realignment of the ID/DD wait list. The 25 waiver slots have yet to be awarded to the state. DBHDS is attempting to make amendments to the current waiver regulations in order to satisfy the requirements set forth by the Center of Medicaid/Medicare so that the waiver slots will be funded. The Service Array Subcommittee has submitted the proposed new services to the department in order to be presented in the governor’s next budget. Some of the new proposed services include dental/vision coverage and transportation for activities and supports that are not medical necessary in order for individuals to successfully gain employment and integrate in the community.
• In September, a meeting was held with school representatives, CSA Officer and Director of Social Services to discuss “Just the Facts” about waiver and how to make a referral to the waiver wait list. ID Support Coordinators met with Wall Residences which is a new private provider in the area. They also met with the Regional REACH Crisis Program about the new crisis services for children.
• The Supervisor of Friendship Residence and the Administrator of Merryfield Residence attended the Provider Fair at Central Virginia Training Center in order to network with other providers and market their programs. They spent time with individuals and family members seeking housing opportunities upon transition from the training centers.
• Sheena Jackson, Administrator of Merryfield Residence, served on the HPR III Training Planning Committee. She helped coordinate MH/ID training opportunities for the region. She continues to serve on the HPR III training planning committee for 2015.
• The Infant/Toddler Program received a visit from the DBHDS Technical Assistance Consultants. The consultants reviewed the child and families experience in our local system from referral and intake to transition. They were impressed with the respect for families that was evident through discussion and the program’s ability to create and maintain the local monitoring process. The department will be helping the Infant/Toddler Program with setting up an Access database for their local use.
• The Infant/Toddler Program provided screenings for infants and toddlers at the Covington YMCA. Anita Eggleston, System Manager, convened a Local Interagency Coordinating Council meeting, which brought together representatives from the Health Department, Department of Social Services, T.A.P Head Start, both area school systems and AHCS. The infant program also resumed attendance of APPLES meetings (Alleghany Preschool Providers Liaison for Early Childhood Education Services), which advocates for inclusive practices. Anita and Mary Ellen attended the one-day Early Intervention Institute in October.
• The ID fall picnic at AET Park and the fall harvest celebration were successful and enjoyed by all in attendance. Individuals at Life Skills and Merryfield have a walking club on Mondays and Thursdays, they attend a monthly hospice volunteer luncheon, and they participate in outings to the YMCA and bowling alley. On October 11, 2014, Merryfield hosted their third “Families and Friends on Fridays” event with a packed house.
• The Public Guardianship Program continues to be a vital service. Amanda Webb, Public Guardianship Director, currently serves 15 individuals with 8 more on the waiting list. The program has experienced 3 deaths this reporting period due to chronic and terminal health issues. Amanda has done a superb job in honoring the individual’s wishes with end of life decisions. The program director participated in a conference call about Commonwealth Coordinated Care and attended an End of Life Care Training in Vinton, Virginia.
• AHCS was awarded a grant from the Department of Rail and Public Transportation in July 2014 which funded 80% of the cost of a 14 passenger van. A grant application was submitted to KOVAR in September and the remaining 20% of the cost of the vehicle was awarded in October. The van will be utilized by Life Skills Day Support Program and for Medical Logisticare transportation.
• A grant application was submitted to the Alleghany Foundation on September 1st requesting funding for the restoration of the Moody Building in Clifton Forge. This building houses the AHCS Day Support Program, Adult Day Care Center of the Highlands and the Shenandoah Autism Center. The restoration will include repairing the front columns, reworking the doors to the entrances and installing new flooring in the stairway landings on the second and third floor. AHCS received notification in November that the grant application was approved for $140,000 in funding to restore the building.

Quality Improvement
Nancy Curry provided the following report:

UR, Compliance and EHR:
• The following surveys were completed: OSIG Report on Mental Health Services in Jails: Request for Progress Report; and Annual MHBG, Evidence Based Practices Report
• DBHDS Dashboard Data for AHCS was presented.
• Exhibit B of the Performance Contract for AHCS was presented.

• A table indicating the current standing of credentialing was presented.

Staff Development:
• A table indicating the compliance for required annual training courses for staff was presented.
• A table indicating the meetings, trainings, committees that QI staff participate in on a regular basis was presented.

• Jill Upchurch received training as a TOVA instructor the week of November 17th. She will begin teaching classes in December.
• A MHFA class was taught at DSLCC with 15 participants, the majority of which were DSLCC faculty and staff. Some participants were from one of the local rescue squads.
• A meeting was held with Quovadis Washington-Brown, Ann Bostic, and an evaluator from the OMNI Institute. OMNI had been contracted by DBHDS to conduct a statewide evaluation for the Substance Abuse Prevention Block Grant (SABG). This will be an ongoing process with a projected completion date of July 1, 2015.
• QI participated with the rest of the Leadership Team in the Leadership Retreat held at Douthat November 3rd, as well as the Legislative Breakfast held October 6th.

IT Manager Report:
Adam Kenny provided the following report:

Help Desk:
• Completed 48 help desk requests.
• Completed 120 Credible change requests.

• Attended new feature training with credible.
• Added new forms for meaningful use.
• Wrote tutorial for front desk staff on how to add patient reminders.
• Changed several forms for better CCS reporting abilities.
• Help work billing claims and error reports.
• Trained Case Management staff on how to use client portal.
• Trained new therapist on Credible and CCS.
• Completed audit request for psychiatrist.

Hardware and Networking:
• Repaired 2 laptops at Friendship Residence.
• Resolved issues with printer at Friendship Residence.
• Resolved wireless router issues at Friendship Residence.

• Trained MH Front Desk staff on using Medicaid portal.

• Attended monthly DMC meetings in Richmond.
• Attended all supervisors meetings.
• Attended billing training with Harrisonburg CSB.
• Attended reimbursement meetings.
• Attended VA Credible User group meeting.
• Participated in Timetrak trainings/meetings.
• Attended Credible online billing meetings.
• Set up new electronic payers for billing.
• Set up new access database for CCS warnings.
• Attended breakfast forum with Senator Deeds.
• Attended Leadership Retreat.
• Met with Jock, Nancy, and Ann to work on CCS and financial coordination.
• Worked with Tiffany on payroll processes.
• Completed FIPS data.

Human Resources
Cara Major reported the following:

Turnover: For FY15, there were 12 new hires and 16 separations with a turnover rate of 10%.

Loss Report: There were no Workers’ Comp claims. There were three Auto claims.

Advertising/Recruitment: Advertising was done through VEC, Virginian Review, Shentel website, and the Chamber of Commerce.

Filled Positions: Intellectual Disabilities: DSP – Merryfield (3), Residential (2)
Mental Health (Community Supports Position- FT; Clubhouse Psychosocial Technician (FT – Internal Transfer)
Administration – Janitor

Open Positions: Intellectual Disabilities: DSP – In Home (2), Merryfield (2)
Mental Health – Emergency Services Clinician (PT); Intake/Emergency Services Clinician (FT); Emergency Services Clinician (FT); and Mental Health In School Prevention Specialist (PT)

General Updates:
• New Employee Handbook distributed to all employees
• Driving Training conducted November 4th
• Updating ID position descriptions
• Updating 2014/2015 Benefits Booklet
• Jingle Mingle 8 am-10 am (December 16th at Admin and December 17th at Life Skills)
• Flexible Spending Open Enrollment – December
• Updating New Hire Orientation
• Working with Payroll and IT on Timetrak

• Attended VACSB Innovation and Best Practices Workgroup Conference Call September 29th.
• Attended VACSB HR Committee Meeting on October 2nd.
• Attended Legislative Breakfast on October 6th.
• DBHDS Audit November 3-4.
• December 1st – VACSB Innovation and Best Practices Workgroup Conference Call.
• January 20th or 21st – VACSB HR Committee Meeting.

Financial Reports
Ann Bostic presented the July – October financials.
Reimbursement Update
ICF/IDD Update – resetttlement
Ingrid Barber provided the following report:
Old Business:
• Time Keeping System – Time Trak
• BHDS Audit/Operations Review Follow-Up
• Alleghany Foundation Grant status
• KOVAR Grant status
• DBHDS Update on the Extraordinary Barriers List

New Business:
• Acceptance of FY 2014 Audit and Form 990
• FY 2014 FIPS Report
• Calendar of Board Meeting Dates
• By-Laws of AHCSB – review for changes
• FY 2015 and FY 2016 Community Services Performance Contract Revision No. 1 (New Board Provisions)
• Reappointment of Lisa Hicks for 2nd Term – City of Covington
• Reappointment of Connie Back for 2nd Term – County of Alleghany
• Reappointment of Teresa Johnson for 2nd Term – County of Alleghany
• Nominating/Personnel Committee Report on Appointment of 2015 Officers
• Next VACSB Conference January 20 and 21 at the Richmond Marriott in Richmond, VA

MOTION: That the Board enter closed session to discuss Personnel Matters, as authorized by the Code of Virginia Sections 2.2-3711A.1.
MOTION: Robert McCallister
SECOND: Lisa Hicks
VOTE: Unanimous
MOTION: That the Board approve the annual performance evaluation for the executive director for 2014.
MOTION: Anne Dean
SECOND: Carla Dobbs
VOTE: Unanimous

MOTION: That the Board approve and accept the 2015 Executive Director Annual Contract.
MOTION: Carla Dobbs
SECOND: Lisa Hicks
VOTE: Unanimous

A signed roll call was taken for each member present who certified that to the best of the member’s knowledge that:
-Only public business matters lawfully exempted from opening meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification applies; and only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board.

MOTION: That the November 20, 2014 regular meeting of the Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board be adjourned.
MOTION: Anne Dean
SECOND: Connie Black

TIME: 8:45 p.m.

The next scheduled Board Meeting will be on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the Administration Office located at 205 E. Hawthorne Street, Covington, VA. This will be a training session for board members only.

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