



1/13/25 - RFP - Alleghany Highlands Community Services Substance Use Expansion Bid Document | Drawings


Surplus Auction - Sale of Surplus Vehicles - Closed

RFP - Removal and Replacement of Roof - Moody Building - Closed

Invitation to Bid - Demolition Service - Closed



VACSB - Additional information on Virginia’s system of Community Services Boards
DBHDS - To contact the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
Mental Health Recovery - For information about MH Recovery and Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAP)
MHAV - Mental Health Association of Virginia
ARCVA - The ARC of Virginia (Association for Retarded Citizens)
NIMH - For information on Mental Health research and disorders/illness: National Institutes of Mental Health
DHP - Virginia Department of Health Professions

VDH - Virginia Department of Health
Covington Police - City of Covington,VA Police Department
Clifton Forge - Town of Clifton Forge,VA / Police Department
Alleghany Sheriff - Alleghany County,VA Sheriff's Department
Covington - City of Covington,VA
Board of Supervisors - Alleghany County,VA Board of Supervisors
Governor of Virginia - Office of the Governor of Virginia
General Assembly - Virginia General Assembly
Virginia Veterans and Family Service - For information about the Virginia Veterans and Family Service Program
Clifton Forge - Events in Clifton Forge
Disability Law Center of Virginia (dLCV) - Provides protection and advocacy for people with disability-related problems.
AOA - Administration on Aging
VAAAA - Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Virginia Easy Access - For information on Virginia Easy Access
Senior Navigator - For information on Senior Navigator
Virginia Geriatric Mental Health Planning Partnership - For information on Virginia Geriatric Mental Health Planning Partnership
InfantVA - Information on Early Intervention Services Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia
CSA - Comprehensive Services Act for high-risk youth and their families.
Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce - The Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism strives to enhance both by fostering a healthy business environment and promoting economic growth.

Additional links to advocacy organizations and information on mental illness, mental retardation and substance use disorders may be found on the DBHDS and VACSB websites. Alleghany Highlands Community Services is not responsible for the content on the linked pages.